Oh no! It’s already year 2008 and I’m going to post something about last year?! Shucks. Oh well, don’t worry it’s not about how my new year resolution and all that but merely something more interesting about our it’s Alumni.
Just last month in Dec 6 ’07, Alumni Office organized an event in ‘Zazu Beach Bistro’! I know I know, not really sure where it is right? Don’t worry, I didn’t even know exactly where it is except that it’s located somewhere in our beloved Sunway Lagoon. Zazu Bistro should give me some discounts for promoting them via this blog! :P
Anyway, it was a night showered with rain, cold, wet and confused alumni but I’m sure non of them regretted coming for the event as of course everything was FREE! a sacred and more than essential inclusion in any successful event! The food was FREE, the guest speakers were FREE, and top it all off, we gave all who came a nice and certainly FREE Sun-U folder with very many goodies inside. Speaking of being good Malaysians. J
The whole event started with the three of us, Elisa, Ken and myself setting up at around 6.30pm. It was quite a workout for us (actually just Ken and me, kidding) carrying the boxes of files and other things from the car park to Zazu. By the time we reached escalator #3 out of the many escalators, our arms have already felt like jelly. Anyway, enough complaining from us.
Here are some pictures of the event:

This is Zazu of course! The entrance is just to the left of the photo. It was raining when i took this picture.

This is Elisa & Ken trying to look cute

The door gifts which we prepared. See? We are so nice! There is not only free food but even free files and other goodies. :)

Alumni braving the rain to come for the event. They will soon know that it was worth the trouble.

Alumni getting busy with the spread of food. Amazing how food unites all walks of people regardless of age, gender, height, weight, and whatever else.

One of the speakers for the evening, Ms. Veronica Choo from John Robert Powers.

Mr. Thiru, COO of Jobstreet

Some very happy and contented looking alumni posing with Veronica. Glad you all had a great time!

The Chinese delegation.

Much mingling happened amongst the alumni. Many old faces, and new friends were made.

Some of our alumni cum staff. We are proud of who they are today. :P

Late, but not TOO late. Some alumni that arrived late into the evening.

And everyone goes home contented. :)
Hope to see all of you in future events!
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