6 November 2012

Third time, still a charm

Sunway’s American Degree Transfer Programme (ADTP) students have been nothing short of excellent in their latest theatre production titled, Seven + One = VIII. The production comprising eight plays were gripping, moving and received a rumbling of laughter from a room full of spectators.

The THEA 1000 class produced, directed and performed in each of these short stories in only a mere 46 days. The plays were a mixture of an original screenplay and adaptations of popular classics.

Mage’s Sword, an original play directed by Lee Siaw Fen depicted love, romance and a magic sword in a world of classics that was cliché yet tasteful. The characters moved in parallel motion with mesmerising effects while the intense fighting and acrobatic moves during the play helped maintain the pace of the show and the stage presence of the actors.

A dazzling display of artistry with a veritable feast of colours and energy was displayed in The Singing Bone, also an original play directed by Amanda Chua. From vibrant costumes, elaborate props to a brilliant storyline, The Singing Bone was masked with a brilliant performance of subtlety and fine emotions.

Eric Low’s The Visit is also an original story about Christmas carols tangled with family dynamics. Throughout the play, the audience were submerged into gags of laughter. All for one and one for all- may just be the most appropriate words to describe how the actors in The Three Musketeers who worked together to tell a modernized tale of the popular classic by Alexandre Dumas, directed by Kenji.

Other plays included Asyraf Wijitha’s adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet with their play titled Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, as well as Aishwarya’s adaptation of the Merchant of Venice, also by William Shakespeare. The audience was also entertained by F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby directed by Barkat and Umasuthan’s Mind You Language.

Amanda Chua said, “This was the first time I’ve written a script and directed a play. I was excited and scared as there were so many things to attend to in such a short time and I was determined to come up with something spectacular.” Amanda found it a challenge to keep up with everything that was going on in every section. “I had a role to play in everything from the costume department, props, acting and it was a personal priority of mine to be involved throughout every stage of this production. I was also acting as there was a lack of actors. Deadlines for progress reports were tight so I had to make sure everything was prepared on time while balancing out the other subjects I was taking throughout the semester.”

The students were all required to apply concepts learnt during class into their own plays. Amanda whose play won the first place in the voting contest recalled, “It was not easy as there were so much to learn by the chapter and where application was concerned, we had to know everything right from the beginning. For example, the stage lighting and sound was only taught and finalised at the end of the semester. I had to visualise the entire play in my mind with consideration to the placement of lights and how the sound should be incorporated into the play.”

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